
Message from the Commander
Welcome to the Flying Jayhawk Wing, AFROTC Detachment 280, at the University of Kansas. We are proud to represent both KU and the Air Force and Space Force as part of the largest commissioning source of Air Force and Space Force second lieutenants. By joining our team, you’ll be provided daily opportunities to become a better version of yourself. You’ll have amazing opportunities to grow mentally, physically, and academically at one of the most prestigious universities in our region.
In our program you’ll learn to wear the Air Force’s different uniforms, participate in group physical fitness training a couple times a week, and attend requisite classes as part of our curriculum. Freshman and Sophomores study Air Force and Space Force heritage and fundamentals, communication skills, leadership theory, and teambuilding. Juniors and Seniors study leadership application and begin exploring national security topics. We coordinate base visits, aircraft familiarization flights, and joint field exercises with other local Air Force, Army, and Naval ROTC detachments. You’ll also have the chance to be part of our color guard and present the colors at KU basketball and football games!
While our ROTC requires a significant commitment, you’ll still be a college student and will have time to pursue so many other opportunities and traditions that KU has to offer.
Our dedicated cadre is comprised of active duty officer and enlisted members whose only job is to instruct, train, and develop cadets. Each cadre member comes from a different Air Force specialty and all are anxious to share their Air Force story in order to equip you with the tools necessary to become an Air Force or Space Force officer.
Our program is not for everyone. It’s for disciplined and motivated individuals looking to be part of something bigger than themselves; for those wanting to work hard to reach their goals; for those looking to eventually make a difference on the world’s biggest stage. Those that commit are rewarded with outstanding opportunities, lifelong friendships, and an extremely rewarding career that will take you anywhere you want to go.
Still interested? Continue to explore our website, give us a call, or even better, come visit us. If you are in Lawrence, stop by the Military Science Building and check us out. There are usually plenty of cadets in our cadet lounge, and any of them would be more than willing to chat with you. If you have more specific questions about our program (scholarships, requirements, etc.), please contact us at We look forward to meeting you!
Rock Chalk Jayhawk!
Lt Col Charlie Dorssom, Commander